Supercharge Your Rust Code: Harness The Magic Of Smart Pointers

Smart pointers offer many benefits over regular pointers. This piece will teach you all you need to know about smart pointers in Rust.

Rehan Pinjari
5 min readJun 3, 2023
Supercharge Your Rust Code: Harness The Magic Of Smart Pointers

One of Rust’s strong advantages is memory management, especially because safety is not compromised.

Rust’s ownership structure helps the compiler guarantee code safety and the lack of memory issues such as dangling pointers and memory leaks.

In addition to regular pointers, Rust supports smart pointers with extra metadata and capabilities.

Smart pointers are useful for dealing with memory leaks.

What Are Rust Smart Pointers?

Smart pointers are a data type in Rust that improves the capabilities of regular pointers through extra features such as overloaded operators, destructors, and savvy memory management.

Because Rust uses structs to execute smart pointers, smart pointers can also be controlled.

When you connect memory with smart pointers with dynamically allocated data, the memory is automatically deallocated.

Smart pointers offer capabilities for limiting the lifespan of Rust objects, making them useful for removing mistakes such as null pointer dereferencing and memory leaks, which are common in other low-level languages such as C and C++.

Advantages of Using Smart Pointers

Here are some advantages of using smart pointers:

  • Memory Management on Autopilot: When compared to manual memory management using regular pointers, smart pointers allow automated memory management, including allocation and deallocation.
  • More Security: Smart pointers enforce ownership semantics, guaranteeing that only one owner can access resources at a time, removing data trails and concurrency-related issues.
  • Flexibility: For flexibly developing safe code, Rust allows many smart pointers, each with its own set of ownership semantics.
  • Resource Management: Smart pointers can be used to manage extra assets such as file handlers and network sockets by encapsulating the resources within a smart pointer, making it easy to control their lifespan and guarantee that they are properly closed and given up after usage.
  • Improved speed: Smart pointers improve speed by decreasing memory copying and allocations — using smart pointers results in a smaller memory footprint, which leads to improved performance.

Smart pointers make sense for medium to large-sized applications, particularly when memory management is important.

Smart Pointer Types

Rust supports a variety of smart pointers, including Box, Rc, RefCell, and Mutex.

1. The Smart Box Pointer

The Box Smart Pointer is Rust’s most basic and often used smart pointer.

The Box smart pointer helps with memory allocation and generates a boxed pointer for accessibility.

When you need to ensure that memory is immediately deallocated when the pointers are out of scope, the Box Smart Pointer comes in useful.

Here’s how to make and use a Box pointer:

fn main(){

// new instance of the box smart pointer
let x = Box::new(5);


Because the Box type is part of Rust’s prelude, you won’t need to import it, unlike other smart pointers.

The x variable is a Box reference to the integer number 5.

Rust allocates heap memory for the value and automatically deallocates it when the variable is no longer in scope.

2. RC Smart Pointer

The RC (Reference Counted) smart pointer allows you to create shared ownership values.

RC smart pointers keep track of the number of references to a value and deallocate it when the final reference is no longer valid.

When you need to share ownership of a variable for accessibility in many portions of your program, the RC smart pointer comes in useful.

Import the RC struct from the standard library, create a new RC pointer using the new function, and then clone the pointer variable with the cloned variable to set up an RC smart pointer.

use std::rc::Rc;

fn main() {

// new instance of the RC smart pointer
let x = Rc::new(5);
let y = Rc::clone(&x);

println!("x = {}, y = {}", x, y);

The x variable is the RC pointer variable, while the y variable is a clone with memory access.

The reference count is two, and the value is released from memory when the variables are no longer in scope.

3. The Smart Pointer RefCell

The inner mutability of the RefCell smart pointer lets immutable and mutable references coexist as long as there is only one mutable reference at any one moment.

When changing data owned by mutable references, the RefCell smart pointer comes in useful.

Because the Refcell method is absent in Rust’s prelude, you must import the struct from the standard library to use the smart pointer.

use std::cell::RefCell;

fn main(){

// new instance of the Refcell smart pointer
let x = RefCell::new(5);

let y = x.borrow();
let z = x.borrow_mut();

println!("y = {}", *y);
println!("z = {}", *z);


The value is stored in the Refcell smart pointer, and the y variable is an immutable reference to the value.

The borrow_mut function converts the value into a mutable reference.

If there is just one changeable reference, the program is safe.

4. The Smart Mutex Pointer

Mutual exclusions are offered via the Mutex smart pointer.

In concurrent programs, the Mutex smart pointer is useful for synchronizing access to values across multiple threads at once.

The Mutex smart pointer uses mutual exclusion to ensure that only one thread may access the value at a time while preventing data trails.

To use the Mutex Smart Pointer in Rust, import the Mutex struct and create a new instance with the new approach.

use std::sync::Mutex;

fn main() {

// new instance of the mutex pointer
let counter = Mutex::new(0);

let mut num = counter.lock().unwrap();
*num += 1;

println!("Result: {}", *counter.lock().unwrap());

The new Mutex instance is represented by the counter variable.

The main function uses the Mutex instance’s lock method to get a lock on the Mutex.

Before releasing the lock and publishing the value, the lock allows for a safe change of the counter’s value.

The Mutex type makes sure only one thread can use and change shared resources (in this case, the counter variable) at a time.

To prevent data traces and other concurrency difficulties, mutual exclusion guarantees that concurrent access to shared resources is serialized.

Rust’s Ownership Model guarantees Memory Security

One of Rust’s methods of memory safety and flexibility is smart pointers.

With the borrow checker at compile time, Rust’s ownership model ensures that programs access memory securely.

The borrow checker is a key component of Rust’s ownership model, maintaining strict limits for memory access and change.

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Rehan Pinjari
Rehan Pinjari

Written by Rehan Pinjari

Self-Taught UI/UX Designer & Developer

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